“The Parliament of Georgia supported the draft bill on the Creation and Management of Machakhela Protected Landscape,” - the Parliament of Georgia reported.
Reportedly, Davit Gabaidze, the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, presented the draft bills on the Creation and Management of Machakhela Protected Landscape and the Draft Code of Administrative Offenses regulating legal aspects in the third reading at the plenary session.
"Another protected landscape will be created in Georgia. This is made possible by the draft bill on the Creation and Management of Machakhela Protected Landscape, which was adopted by the Parliament of Georgia at the plenary session with 78 votes.
The adoption of the draft law is due to the initiative of the government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Khelvachauri Municipality, the local population of the Machakhela Valley and the financial support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). According to Davit Gabaidze, in order to develop the protected areas of Georgia, the Global Environment Fund and the United Nations Development Program (GEF/UNDP) are implementing the project -Expansion of Adjara Protected Areas and Improving Their Management.
As a result of the consultations held after the second hearing, it was decided that the name of the protected area will be the protected area of Machakhela instead of Machakhela.
According to Davit Gabaidze, the creation of the Machakhela protected landscape will facilitate the protection, restoration and reasonable utilization of the territories with their biodiversity and historical and cultural aspects.
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