Starting from January 1, 2017 to September 9, 2022, the property of 18,864 citizens of the Russian Federation was registered on the territory of Georgia.
Based on the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, as for the data of the current year, from February 24 to September 9, 2022, 3319 citizens of Russia bought property in Georgia, of which 969 are registered in Tbilisi.
According to the data of the register of rights to immovable property, for the indicated period, the property rights of 2407 citizens of the Russian Federation were registered for 2594 residential apartments/units.
According to the data of the past years, in 2021, 3496 real estates of Russian citizens were registered in Georgia, in 2020 - 2184; in 2019 - 4175; in 2018 - 2503, and in 2017 - 2735. More specifically, the number of Russian citizens on registered residential premises (apartment, space) throughout Georgia is as follows: from January 1 to September 9, 2022, the number of cadastral codes was 2900, the number of owners - 2681; In 2021 - number of cadastral codes - 2341, number of owners - 2092; In 2020 - the number of cadastral codes - 1044, the number of owners - 878; In 2019 - the number of cadastral codes - 2486; number of owners - 2231; In 2019 - the number of cadastral codes - 2020, the number of owners - 1837; while in 2017, the number of cadastral codes was 1560, and the number of owners - 1423.
As for the number of Russian citizens on property registered in the registration zone of Tbilisi by year, according to the Ministry of Justice, from January 1 to September 9, 2022, ownership permits were issued to 1,079 persons, in 2021 to 745 persons, in 2020 - to 380, in 2019 - to 998, in 2018 - 1011, and in 2017 - 898.
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