23.7 tons of honey worth 215.2 thousand US dollars were exported from Georgia in 8 months of 2024. Compared to the same period last year, the reduction in the amount is 55%, and in the volume, 64.4%.
In the export list, only Latvia ranks 7th among the EU countries.
Last year's top five exporters were as follows: the Czech Republic, France, Bulgaria, Lebanon, the United Arab Emirates.
Exports to the EU countries decreased by 98%. This year, Georgia exported natural honey worth $6.5 thousand to 27 EU countries.
It should be noted that, on the other hand, general exports were reduced by 30% in the last 8 months of 2023 compared to 2022.
According to the data published by the National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT), in January-August 2024, the product from Georgia was exported to the following countries:
The United Arab Emirates - 7 tons worth 99.9 thousand US dollars;
The USA - 3.2 tons worth 34.1 thousand US dollars;
Azerbaijan - 7.7 tons worth 25.8 thousand US dollars;
Iraq - 2.9 tons worth 21.8 thousand US dollars;
Japan - for 600 kg worth 10.1 thousand US dollars.
One US dollar trades at GEL 2.7755