The Global Partnership for Skills professional education forum was held in San Sebastian, Kingdom of Spain.
According to the Vocational Skills Agency, the purpose of the event was to spread information about the initiative of the leading centers of professional education and share best practices.
The forum echoes the European goal of creating a network of 100 leading vocational education centers by 2027.
The final session of the forum was attended by the General Director of the Vocational Skills Agency, Tamar Kitiashvili, who, together with the Director of the European Education Fund (ETF) Xavier Matheu de Cortada and the Deputy Minister of Education of the Basque Country, Jorge Arévalo, summarized the two days of the forum, spoke about the importance of similar events for the development process of the skills ecosystem and identified the issues for more emphasis within the framework of the upcoming forum.
Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and Vocational Skills Agency participated in the forum.
The forum was organized by the European Commission and the Basque Government with the support of the European Training Foundation (ETF), the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and up to 300 representatives from different countries took part in it.
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