The National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat) published a report showing the average salaries in Georgia for 2021. According to the document, during the last year the average salaries in Georgia increased from GEL 1,191 to GEL 1,304.
In 2021, compared to the previous year, an increase in salaries was observed in the majority of sectors. According to the types of activities, relatively high wages were recorded in the following fields:
The relatively highest monthly earnings were observed in the following fields:
- Financial and insurance activities – GEL 2 368.1 (increased by 9.8% compared to the previous year);
- Professional, scientific and technical activities - GEL 2 075.3 (increased by 12.0% compared to the previous year);
- Information and communication - GEL 2 030.9 (increased by 7.7% compared to the previous year).
"In 2021, the average monthly salaries for women were determined at GEL 1,055.5, and that of men at GEL 1,537.9. The salaries for women increased annually by 10.8%, for men – by 9.2%. According to the types of activity, the average monthly salaries for men exceeded those for women in almost all sectors.
The National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat) also published the report on median salaries today. The median salaries reflect the salary that the most people earn on average. According to the Geostat, currently the median salary in the country is GEL 900.
According to the types of activities, in 2021, a relatively high median salary was recorded in the following fields:
⦁ Information and communication - GEL 1 509;
⦁ Mining industry and processing of quarries - GEL 1 386;
⦁ Supply of electricity, gas, steam and conditioned air - GEL 1298;
⦁ Construction - GEL 1 276;
⦁ State governance and defense; Mandatory social security - GEL 1,273.
One US dollar trades at GEL 2.7755