“The Deputy Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia Kakha Kakabadze, together with the representatives of the Ministry's central apparatus and relevant structural units, is paying an official visit to Austria's capital city Vienna,” - the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia reported.
As part of the visit, a meeting was held with the Director General for Forestry and Sustainability, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism of Austria, Maria Patek. The parties discussed the business model of Austria's federal forestry, integrated disaster risk management and climate change issues.
As the Deputy Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, Kakha Kakabadze noted, the establishment of sustainable forest management is important both for the ecological, economic and social well-being of the country, as well as in the process of climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Accordingly, the main task is to manage the forests across the country taking the principles of sustainable forest management and national interests into account.
Austria is one of the important partners of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia. For many years, the Ministry has been in close cooperation with the Austrian Development Agency (ADC), for which support for the development of agriculture and forestry in Georgia is a priority. With the financing of the mentioned agency, a number of projects have been implemented and are planned for the future", said the Deputy Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, Kakha Kakabadze.