"The National Tourism Administration of Georgia took part in the travel media conference International Media Marketplace (Travel Media Conference) in Berlin, Germany," - the National Tourism Administration of Georgia reports.
The conference brings together international media representatives, influencers and bloggers interested in the field of tourism.
Within the framework of the conference, the representatives of the National Tourism Administration of Georgia held about 80 meetings with journalists, bloggers and influencers. The negotiations were held with the "Cycling Thread/National Geographic", "Neus Deutschland", "Ski Guide Austria", "Frankfurter Rundschau" and other media outlets.
The international media organizations got acquainted with the tourist direction of Georgia, marine and mountain resorts, became interested in adventure, wine and culinary tourism.
Within the framework of the conference, in order to popularize Georgia's tourism, the projects were planned with the participation of high-rated media outlets, bloggers and influencers, which will contribute to attracting tourist flows to the country.
"International Media Marketplace" is held in several countries of the world during the year. 180 media companies and 98 international brands were represented at the Berlin conference.