"I expect more reaction from the Ukrainian authorities. Today’s passive reaction is more like doing duty. The current Ukrainian government does not need Mikheil Saakashvili in Kiev. I understand this, too and everyone does so. He is a factor of constant tension for the Ukrainian authorities. When a person comes out on a talk show and says that $ 37 billion is stolen from the Ukrainian budget every year and shows where and how this happens, it is clear that the Ukrainian government is not positively disposed toward him. But the Ukrainian authorities need to understand that if Saakashvili is saved, if something happens to them, they will be also saved, and if they do not save Saakashvili, then no one will help them," - Gordon said.
"Such a passive reaction of the international community to the arrest of a man who was one of the most successful presidents in the former Soviet Union and who built the country from ruins does not bode well for the international community. The international community must show the Georgian authorities that if it leaves Saakashvili in prison and, moreover, despises him, it will lose much more than if it extradites Saakashvili to Ukraine," - Dmitry Gordon stated.
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