The National Tourism Administration of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia is hosting representatives of travel and eco-tourism publications from Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Norway in order to promote the Georgian eco-tourism products.
The scientists and researchers from the British Geographical, BirdLife, the German Weser Kurier, NABU Magazine Naturschutzheute, Saechsiche Zeitung, Berlin Brandenburger Naturmagazin, Nationalpark, Saechsische Bergsteiger Verbund, Geographische Rundschau, GEO Magazine, the International Platform for the Study of Protected Areas LT&C Linking tourism and Conservation, the Norwegian bird observation magazine Vår Fuglefauna, the Italian edition Focus magazine and WWF PANDA magazine visited Georgia.
"Experts from different countries are present in Georgia at the invitation of the National Tourism Administration. They are interested in eco-tourism and bird watching in Georgia. After the tour, articles will be published in the rated publications, which will help popularize eco-tourism in our country," – the Head of the International Tourism Stimulation Division of the National Tourism Administration, Marina Bojgua, said.
Jim Woodell, a member of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) in the UK, mentions Georgia as “a still-hidden pearl of Europe”.
During the tour, representatives of travel publications visited Tbilisi, Sighnaghi and Davit-Gareji. The tour participants visited the protected areas: Chachuni Managed Reserve and Vashlovani National Park; the travel media representatives photographed the birds and animals in the protected areas of Georgia.
The tour participants will visit wine cellars in Kakheti and then they will travel to Kazbegi municipality. Scholars and researchers of the publications will meet with representatives of Sabuko, a Environmental Conservation Organization, founded by the Georgian Center for the Conservation of Wildlife in 2014 and a local partner of BirdLife, the world's largest nature conservation organization.
The participants of the tour will prepare extensive scientific articles on the flora, fauna and eco-tourism potential of the country, which will contribute to the development of bird watching tourism (Bird Watching) in Georgia.
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