"The renovated Turkgozu customs checkpoint opened at the Georgia-Turkey border on Sunday," - the Georgian Finance Ministry said.
A Georgian delegation, led by the First Deputy Finance Minister Giorgi Kakauridze, the Deputy Head of the Revenue Service Vladimer Khundadze and Zurab Sichinava, the Head of the Customs Department visited the resonated checkpoint and got acquainted with customs control procedures, together with their Turkish colleagues.
Giorgi Kakauridze, congratulated Turkish side on the opening of the updated customs infrastructure and emphasized the importance of close cooperation between the two countries in the field of customs, which, together with infrastructure projects, is “related to the improvement and simplification of customs procedures, vehicles, goods and passengers ensuring smooth movement and encouraging trade”.
As Giorgi Kakauridze noted, for Georgia and Turkey, as countries in the East-West transit corridor, special importance is attached to the development of “an attractive and competitive” transit corridor, for which it is important to “establish unified principles” of development in the customs field.
Giorgi Kakauridze highlighted the development of customs checkpoints and conducting customs procedures effectively as one of the priorities of the Georgian Government, and noted the country had achieved great success in this direction, citing Sarfi, Turkgozu-Vale and Kartsakhi-Aktash checkpoints as exemplary.
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