“We condemn Russia’s ongoing violation of the territorial integrity of Georgia, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, the illegal curtailing of the freedom of navigation to and from the Sea of Azov, as well as in the Black Sea, Russia’s persistent efforts to destabilise these countries, to derail their European and/or Euro-Atlantic integration, and to incite reckless and irresponsible escalations’, - reads the resolution.
The General Assembly expresses concern about the grave human rights violations and ethnic discrimination against Georgians in the occupied territories of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia, stressing the necessity of implementation of the EU-mediated ceasefire agreement by the Russian Federation and underlining the right of internally displaced people and refugees to return to their homes.
According to the document, it is necessary to step up NATO’s support for the efforts of Georgia and Ukraine to accelerate their process of Euro-Atlantic integration, to signal solidarity with Georgia and Ukraine through increased joint exercises and practical support to their ability to defend themselves, and to continue to denounce Russia’s temporary occupation and illegal annexation of parts of Ukraine, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova, including in the NATO-Russia Council.
The resolution was submitted to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly by the Political Committee and was approved by the Plenary Assembly.
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