According to Eurostat statistics, 80,375 non-EU residents applied for asylum in the EU countries for the first time in May 2023 – a 27%-increase compared to the same period in 2022. And 5,325 people repeatedly applied to the European Union for asylum, which is 16% less than the figure of last year.
As in previous months, the most frequent requests for asylum to the European Union came from Syria (12,110 applicants), Afghanistan (7,210), Venezuela (7,015) and Colombia (6,745).
Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the number of asylum seekers from Ukrainians has increased from 2,100 (February 2022) to 12,185 (March 2022), although the monthly figure is already declining, reaching 945 in May 2023. It should also be noted that Russian citizens took 14th place in the ranking with 1,435 applicants.
The majority of asylum seekers from the EU countries applied to Germany, Spain, Italy and France. Accordingly, 78% of applicants come from these countries.
As for Georgia, 2,225 citizens applied for asylum to the European Union, almost half of them, 1,025 people, requested housing in Germany, 575 people in France, and 315 in Italy. And the three countries where the least (5) requests for asylum from Georgia were submitted are Greece, Norway and Cyprus.
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