“Cooperation between Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and San Diego State University is entering a new stage. In order to further strengthen and develop the existing forms of partnership, TSU rector, academician Jaba Samushia and San Diego University President Adela de la Torre signed a memorandum. Also, a document was signed on the transfer of the material and technical base by San Diego State University to Tbilisi State University,” – the Tbilisi State University reports.
Based on the memorandum, it is planned to develop programs to increase the research capabilities of Georgian scientists and bring them closer to international standards, including scientific and technological training programs; cooperation regarding new and existing joint scientific and technological research projects; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM); cooperation in the direction of general education and preschool education; mobility of academic staff and students with short-term projects, summer schools, trainings, retraining courses and research cooperation; preparation and implementation of TSU and San Diego State University double degree program in the STEM direction; cooperation in order to obtain the recognition of the American Chemical Association for the Georgian-language chemistry program of TSU; cooperation on doctoral programs and introduction of institutional mechanisms for joint leadership.