Lawyers demand experts, including the Empathy Rehabilitation Centre for Victims of Torture, to involve in Saakashvili’s treatment. Tutberidze also said that the lawyers are not allowed to talk with Saakashvili confidentially, breaching the rights of attorney-client.
“If these demands are rebuffed, it will lead to following upshots: Mikheil Saakashvili’s health will become irreversible and may even lead to his death, and the second, if these problems are not resolved by January 6 and the Penitentiary Service continues violating the rights of political prisoners, Saakashvili will resort to an extreme form of protest,” Shota Tutberidze stated.
The Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee Chairman, MP Mikheil Sarjveladze, believes the United National Movement party [founded by Saakashvili] wants one-man prison code or a person to illegally benefit from certain privileges, which is not a right demand.
The former president of Georgia was arrested on October 1.
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