In her speech, Mariam Kvrivishvili spoke about the rapid pace of recovery in the field of tourism and aviation in Georgia and shared Georgia's experience and achievements in this regard with the world tourism representatives.
Mariam Kvrivishvili gave a detailed overview of the regional renewal projects, which is being implemented in all regions of Georgia at the initiative of the Prime Minister promoting not only the development of basic infrastructure, but also of tourism infrastructure in all regions.
The speech focused on the importance of promoting employment, job creation and raising the qualification of employees in the tourism sector.
“Of course, this event will contribute to the recognition and positioning of our country, and we are proud that Georgia is considered one of the best examples of a country with a rapid recovery in tourism and aviation sectors," - said Mariam Kvrivishvili.
The summit is being held in Barcelona, Spain. Mariam Kvrivishvili, Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia and Medea Janiashvili, Acting Head of the National Tourism Administration are representing Georgia at the event.
"This is a very important opportunity for Georgia to participate in the process of proper tourism planning in the future and to get the practice of sharing experiences from the leading tourist countries," - said Medea Janiashvili.
The summit will last for two days and will be attended by 80 speakers, representatives of Tourism Ministries, administrations and the international and private sectors from 70 countries globally.
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