With the support of the National Wine Agency of Georgia and the Embassy of Georgia in the Republic of Poland, five Georgian wine producers are participating in the international exhibition of wine and alcoholic beverages EnoExpo 2024 in the city of Krakow.
EnoExpo, which has been held for the 21st time, is considered one of the largest and most prestigious exhibitions in Eastern and Central Europe.
At the exhibition, the Georgian wine companies have the opportunity to meet local importers and representatives of the Horeca sector for future cooperation and export growth.
Poland is one of Georgia's strategic trading partners by wine exports, where, with the support of the National Wine Agency, a number of events are held throughout the year.
The events aim to popularize the Georgian wine and increase its export potential. In January-October of this year, 5.2 million liters of wine were exported from Georgia to Poland, which is 12% higher than the figure of the same period last year.
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