The dynamics of export growth in the strategic markets of Georgian wine is maintained: Poland - 20% (4984017), China - 13% (4553919), Latvia - 4% (1440567), Lietuva - 45% (837096), USA - 10% (881470), Germany - 6% (654608), Japan - 18% (159262) and the UK- 72% (631504).
The top five Georgian wine exporting countries are: Russia, Ukraine, Poland, China and Belarus.
This year, the growth is significant in the following countries: Canada - 84% (296992), Sweden - 65% (99832), Czech Republic - 275% (139560), Kazakhstan - 30% (3264706), Israel - 41% (368899), Azerbaijan - 8% (181727), Turkey - 209% (93330), Ukraine - 21% (10558377), Russia - 5% (49064224), Mongolia - 174% (402810), Belarus - 17% (3348501), etc.
400 companies exported different volumes of wine from Georgia.
Simultaneously, during the reporting period, 30,4 million bottles (0.5 l) of brandy were exported, which is 15% more than the same period in 2020. Revenue from brandy exports reaches $ 57.7 million (up 7%).
One US dollar trades at GEL 2.8834