With 81 votes, unanimously - The so-called legislative package prepared against LGBT propaganda was approved in the second reading. The ruling majority plans to adopt the legislative amendments in the third reading during the session week of September 17-20.
The legislative package consists of 19 bills. The main one of them is the project called "On family values and protection of minors", and the rest 18 are projects derived from it. The author and initiators of the legislative package are the Chairman of the Parliament Shalva Papuashvili and members of the majority: - Mamuka Mdinaradze, Anri Okhanashvili, Rati Ionatamishvili, Maka Bochorishvili, Davit Matikashvili, Tengiz Sharmanashvili, Irakli Shatakishvili and Sozar Subari.
According to the majority's explanation, "the purpose of initiating the bill is to strengthen family values based on the union of men and women and the mechanisms for the protection of minors."
The legislative package provides for the establishment of a number of prohibitions and restrictions. The following issues are defined by the bill initiated in the Parliament: -
It is not allowed to register an alternative union of marriage or to create a family, or to recognize such a union by a legal act, which contradicts the conditions established for marriage by the legislation of Georgia. Such a union registered and recognized abroad will not have legal force in Georgia.
According to the draft law, it is not allowed to register a relationship expressed as a sign of sexual orientation or to recognize it by a legal act, at least one of whom assigns himself to a gender different from his biological sex or whose sexual orientation does not belong to the category of heterosexuality. According to the project, such a relationship recognized or registered abroad has no legal force in Georgia.
Taking into account the draft law, it is not allowed to adopt a minor by a person who identifies himself with a gender different from his biological sex or whose sexual orientation does not belong to the category of heterosexuality. Also, it is not allowed to give a minor for foster care to a person who identifies himself as a gender different from his biological sex or whose sexual orientation does not belong to the category of heterosexuality.
It is not allowed to perform a surgical operation on another person or use any other type of medical manipulation on another person in order to assign a person to a gender different from his biological sex.
In the draft law, we also read that it is not allowed to indicate a person's gender different from his biological sex in the identity document or other document issued by the state.
It is not allowed to include such information in the educational program of early childhood education, preschool education, general educational institution, professional educational institution/college or higher educational institution, or to disseminate or promote the dissemination of such information by an employee of the said institution within the scope of the institution's activities and on the territory of the same institution, which is directed to a person who is different from his biological sex. To promote sex, sexual orientation or incest between representatives of the same biological sex.
The ban will also apply to broadcasters. In particular, according to the draft law, it will not be allowed to broadcast such information on the air of the broadcaster, which is aimed at promoting a person's belonging to a gender different from his biological sex, a relationship expressed as a sign of sexual orientation between representatives of the same biological sex, or incest. This ban applies to the broadcasting of a creative work only to the extent that it is not allowed to air a scene depicting an intimate relationship or incest between members of the same biological sex. Violation of the mentioned ban will not be charged to the broadcaster, if he did not exercise actual control over the dissemination of relevant information.
According to the same project, it is not allowed to provide (share) such information (including such creative work) or create the possibility of access to such information (including such creative work) aimed at assigning a person to a gender different from his biological sex, through direct communication with him. To promote sexual relations or incest between representatives of the same biological sex.
According to the project, it is not allowed to distribute such advertisements, which are aimed at the promotion of a person's belonging to a gender different from his biological sex, a relationship expressed as a sign of sexual orientation or incest between representatives of the same biological sex.
The ban also applies to holding gatherings and demonstrations. In particular, it will not be allowed to hold such a gathering or demonstration in public, which is aimed at promoting a person's belonging to a gender different from his biological sex, a relationship expressed as a sign of sexual orientation between representatives of the same biological sex, or incest.
According to the same draft, such an obligation imposed within the framework of the labor relationship, such an instruction issued within the framework of the labor relationship or such an agreement concluded between the employer and the employee, which is aimed at neglecting the biological sex or encouraging its neglect, will be invalidated.
The legislative package of the majority envisages the imposition of administrative and criminal liability for the violation of all the above-mentioned requirements.
According to the draft law "On Family Values and Protection of Minors", May 17 is declared as the day of sanctity of the family and respect for parents, and it will be a holiday.
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