“The real gross domestic product has increased compared to the corresponding period of the previous year,” - the National Statistical Service of Georgia reported.
According to their information, in the II quarter of 2024, the volume of gross domestic product at current prices will be 22,101.7 million. equaled GEL, and compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, the growth of real gross domestic product amounted to 9.6 percent. The percentage change of the GDP deflator in the II quarter of 2024 was determined at 2.5 percent.
"In the second quarter of 2024, the following industries made a significant contribution to growth: wholesale and retail trade; Automobile and motorcycle repair (8.4 percent), accommodation and food service activities (35.7 percent), education (21.3 percent), manufacturing (11.0 percent), construction (13.0 percent), transportation and warehousing (16.1 percent).
A decrease was noted in the following sectors: supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning (-6.3 percent), other services (-1.4 percent). Trade (15.0 percent) and real estate-related activities (9.8 percent) have the largest shares in the sectoral structure of the GDP. The following positions are occupied by the manufacturing industry (9.1 percent), construction (8.4 percent), state administration (7.4 percent), agriculture, forestry and fisheries (7.2 percent), education (6.0 percent), transport and warehousing (5.9 percent)," - said the information.
According to Geostat, the updated data will be published on November 15, 2024.
One US dollar trades at GEL 2.7755