After the end of the government session, the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia Otar Shamugia commented on the draft amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses and noted that the sanctions for a number of environmental offenses are being tightened.
"It is important for us to take effective steps to reduce environmental pollution and fight against poaching. The sanction for the pollution of the Black Sea is getting tougher - a 65,000 GEL fine increases to 100,000 GEL. It is important for us to take effective steps in the fight against poaching and prevent violations of other environmental laws. That is why we have to take certain measures in the direction of tightening sanctions. We are actively retooling and equipping the Department of Environmental Supervision to make their work more effective; this year we have already tightened the sanctions imposed in several directions, including illegal forest use, mining, and transportation. All this serves the maximum protection of biodiversity", - Otar Shamugia said.