“On May 2-5, the State Hydrographic Service of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia took part in the third assembly of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) in Monaco. Traditionally, the Assembly was opened by Prince Albert II of Monaco with a welcome speech; the delegations from 98 states were represented to the forum,’’ - the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development.
"The main topic of the 2023 assembly (IHO Assembly) was the transition to digital data systems in the field - digitalization of navigation maps, expansion of bathymetric studies and identification of still unexplored areas of the world's seas and oceans.
Within the framework of the Assembly, the State Hydrographic Service of Georgia participated in the process of updating international standards and guidance materials related to navigational safety. In addition, bilateral and multilateral meetings were planned with representatives of the IHO, member states of the organization and the maritime industry.
In parallel with the participation in the assembly meetings, the Georgian side also participated in the exhibition of the member states - Mapping the marine environment in the Ocean Decade - which was dedicated to the Ocean Decade proclaimed by the United Nations. Cartographic products created by the authorship of the Hydrographic Service of Georgia, some of which were created as a result of international projects, were presented at the exhibition.
Elections of the general secretary and director of the organization (IHO) were held within the assembly.