Master's students in international business relations, young professionals and lecturers of the University of Applied Sciences of Burgenland visited the Badagoni company as part of a business study tour.
Students and young professionals of various fields are employed in the business sector and their field of interest is to familiarize themselves with the Georgian national business relations and the market.
The meeting was held at the Badagoni Home Restaurant, where the company's management officials shared the experience of Badagoni, as one of the most successful companies in the market, with the guests.

The topic of the meeting was the "Georgian wine market and export opportunities".
The members of the Badagoni House team and the Austrian delegation held an interesting discussion on the dynamics and processes of various business sectors at the regional and international level.
Within the study program, Austrian students have expressed their interest in international approaches and experiences and got acquainted with the specifics and development of the Georgian and regional networks.
According to the brand manager of the Badagoni company, Levan Megrelishvili, they briefed the Austrian guests on the Georgian wine and the company's activities.
"The Austrian guests' field of interest is the Georgian business sector, in particular, the wine sector. The main topic of the meeting was the Georgian wine market, its export potential, our trading partners and the markets, where our activities are mostly popular. We also touched upon the obstacles faced by the Georgian wine, when being exported and the local market situation. As you know, the Badagoni company is the leader in the export of the Georgian wine; we exchanged our ideas with the Austrian guests and gave them information about the Georgian wine," - Levan Megrelishvili noted.
During the tasting, the guests had the opportunity to taste the premium wines of Badagoni.
Alexander Burka, Head of Business Studies of the Department of International Relations, called the meeting with Badagoni highly professional and impressive.

As the Austrian students noted, the Georgian wine is unique and has great potential in the Austrian market as well.

To be informed, the Austrian delegation visited Georgia a few days ago; their goal is to visit interesting and successful companies and institutions, hold short discussions and exchange ideas.
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