Albert Jónsson notes that the Georgian media environment is “strongly polarized” as national television channels focused on three parties: Georgian Dream, UNM, For Georgia, providing “very limited or investigative coverage.”
Albert Jónsson claims that the public broadcaster allocated air time to the parties. “public broadcaster also had a debate with participation from all the parties. We also point out that the public broadcaster is covering the government quite extensively.”
“The coverage includes the government activities without making distinctions between the institutional and campaign activities. The public broadcaster has a special position compared to the private stations and we could see that in the election campaign, the public broadcaster offers more opportunities, more equal bases to the parties and that was seemingly in the coverages, monitored by all media monitoring teams, allocated, on a fair basis, free air time and also as I mentioned, held a debate where all the parties took part, one guest decided to leave, as you remember. So this distinguishes the public broadcaster from the others,” Albert Jónsson underscored.
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