“We have all kinds of evidence that these elections were not free and fair - unfortunately, we know that ODIHR is under the influence of regimes that are not interested in free and fair elections, so we must find a means of investigation that is free from these regimes. from the influence,” - MEP Miriam Lexmann said.
According to her, now the sanctions are the most important and several individuals who are responsible for the frauds should be punished.
"We have all kinds of evidence that these elections were not free and fair. Now it is important for the international community to know the details. Let's force the Georgian government to make the details public. Until then, it is absolutely impossible for us to accept the results of these elections.
Now individual sanctions are the most important. We cannot punish everyone in Georgia who participated in fraud, so it is important that we sanction some of the individuals who are responsible for these frauds. Unfortunately, we know that Odiri is under the influence of regimes that are not interested in free and fair elections. Therefore, we must find a means of investigation that will be free from the influence of these regimes and that will bring fair results, and if it is proven that these elections were rigged, then we must think about the consequences", said Miriam Lexmann.
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