“88.4% of the Georgian households are provided with the Internet, which is 2.3 percentage points higher than the previous year's figure,” - this is stated in the results of the 2022 survey on the use of information and communication technologies in households published by the National Statistical Office of Georgia (Geostat).
According to the document, the share of households provided with the Internet increased by 1.4 percentage points in urban settlements, and by 3.5 percentage points in rural settlements and amounted to 92.8% and 82.4%, respectively.
It should be noted that according to the regions, the highest rate of the Internet access provisioning was recorded in Tbilisi (94.8%) and Adjara (93.3%).
According to the results of the survey, 79.8% of the population aged 6 and older used the Internet in the last 3 months, which is 2.4 percentage points higher than the previous year. In urban settlements, this indicator was determined by 85.6%, and in rural settlements by 70.9%. This figure is 79.5% for women and 80.2% for men.
According to age groups, this indicator is the highest among the population aged 15-29 and amounts to 98.7%. Out of the population aged 15 and older, who used the Internet in the last 3 months, 92.8% accessed the Internet every day or almost every day, 6.4% - at least once a week (but not every day), and 0.8% - less often.
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