In 2024, a total of 1,6831 ships entered the ports and terminals of Georgia. Of these, 38.5% were general cargo carriers, 30.1% were liquid bulk carriers, 22.5% were container ships, and the remaining 8.9% consisted of dry bulk carriers, tugs, and specialized ships. Compared to the previous year, the number of specialized carriers increased by 34.0%, general cargo carriers by 15.9%, and liquid bulk carriers by 6.7%. However, container ships saw a 14.1% decrease, and dry bulk carriers decreased by 9.2%.
In 2024, 18.4% of the ships arriving at Georgian ports sailed under the Turkish flag, 16.1% under the Panamanian flag, 8.7% under the Liberian flag, and 5.2% under the Russian Federation flag. The remaining 42.0% were registered under other countries' flags.
Georgian seaports served 7.9 thousand passengers in 2024, marking a 2.4% increase compared to the previous year. Notably, the number of passengers arriving was slightly higher than those departing, with 51.0% of passengers entering the country.
Additionally, the ports and terminals of Georgia processed 15,562.3 thousand tons of cargo in 2024, a 5.8% increase from the previous year. Of the total freight, 45.7% was general cargo, 33.6% was liquid bulk, and 20.7% was dry bulk.