The Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia Mariam Kvrivishvili met with the Deputy Minister of Tourism of Saudi Arabia Sultan Al Musallam. The meeting was held within the General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
The parties talked about the fruitful cooperation of the two countries in the direction of tourism and civil aviation. It was noted that the popularity rate of Georgia as an attractive and safe tourist destination is rising in Saudi Arabia in recent years, which was reflected in the increase in tourist flows from this country. In addition, the increase in the frequency of direct flights between the countries was positively assessed, which also confidently affects the cooperation process in the field of tourism. It was noted that currently flights from Saudi Arabia to Georgia are carried out with a frequency of 9 per week, while the frequency and direction of flights increases during the summer aviation season.
The ease of obtaining electronic visas for citizens of Georgia in Saudi Arabia was also positively evaluated, which will further promote bilateral traffic and have a positive impact on the economic relations of the two countries.
The parties agreed on future cooperation in tourism, civil aviation and other priority areas.
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