In December 2024, the Producer Price Index (PPI) for Industrial Products increased by 0.3 percent compared to the previous month, and by 8 percent relative to December 2023, according to Geostat.
The prices for mining and quarrying rose by 1.7 percent compared to November 2024, contributing 0.11 percentage points to the overall monthly PPI change. Similarly, the prices for manufactured products increased by 0.3 percent, contributing 0.22 percentage points to the monthly index change. Within the manufactured products category, notable price increases were observed in food products (0.2 percent) and beverages (1.7 percent). In contrast, prices for electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning decreased by 0.3 percent, contributing -0.04 percentage points to the monthly PPI change.
The annual PPI rate was primarily influenced by price changes in the following sectors:
Mining and quarrying: Prices increased by 23.7 percent, contributing 1.4 percentage points to the overall annual index change. Within this sector, the prices for metal ores rose by 27.9 percent.
Manufactured products: Prices rose by 6.2 percent, contributing 5.05 percentage points to the annual index increase. Significant price hikes were noted in food products (6.6 percent) and basic metals (15.7 percent).
Electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning: The annual price increase for this category was 11.4 percent, contributing 1.22 percentage points to the annual index change.
Water supply, sewerage, waste management, and remediation services: This sector saw an annual price increase of 9.8 percent, contributing 0.23 percentage points to the overall annual index growth.
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