At a memorial for the fallen junkers in Kojori, Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili emphasized the government’s role in preventing war and the importance of national unity.
“If not for the government’s steadfast position, war would have re-erupted, and we could have faced a second Ukraine. Three years later, everyone must reflect on their stance during those turbulent days when voices—much like Orjonikidze’s in the past—called for escalation,” Papuashvili stated.
He stressed that a true patriot prioritizes national interests above all else.
“Today, we honor those who sacrificed their lives in February 1921 to defend Georgia’s independence. Sadly, we lost that independence, as some Georgians acted against the nation’s sovereignty, while foreign powers that initially offered support ultimately left our soldiers to fight alone.
Exactly three years ago, on February 25, 2022, as the war in Ukraine began, Georgia’s Prime Minister clearly outlined our nation’s policy. Now, it is evident that this policy was the right course. Some called for escalation, pushing for sanctions, border closures, and airspace restrictions. Had we followed them, Georgia would have been drawn into war, risking another invasion and the loss of our sovereignty.
Even today, voices advocating for escalation remain. But as time passes, it becomes increasingly clear that this war could have been prevented—a view even echoed by the U.S. administration. Without the government’s firm stance, conflict would have reignited.
Everyone must reflect on where the ‘Orjonikidzes of the 21st century’ stood three years ago—especially those who urged escalation. A true patriot must never put anything above national interests,” Papuashvili concluded.
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