In 2024, Georgia experienced a decline in buckwheat imports, with the volume of imports decreasing by 20% year-on-year.
According to data from Geostat, Georgia imported 6,106 tons of buckwheat valued at $2.7 million during the first 11 months of 2024. This represents a significant decrease compared to the same period in 2023, when 7,670 tons of buckwheat worth $4.4 million were imported.
Russia remains the primary supplier of buckwheat to Georgia, accounting for 99.98% of total imports. During the first 11 months of 2024, Georgia imported 6,104 tons of buckwheat from Russia.
In addition to imports from Russia, small quantities of buckwheat, totaling 1.45 tons, were sourced from Poland and Italy.
These figures underscore Georgia’s continued reliance on Russia as the dominant supplier of buckwheat, despite the overall reduction in import volumes.