In the second quarter of the current year, the number of both asylum seekers and persons granted humanitarian status increased in Georgia.
According to the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in three months (April, May, June) 441 citizens of foreign countries were registered as asylum seekers in Georgia, of which the most - 242 persons are citizens of Ukraine. 34 of the registered asylum seekers are citizens of the Russian Federation; Iran - 48, Turkey - 44; Egypt - 11.
As for the granting of humanitarian status, in the second quarter of 2022, a total of 201 citizens of foreign countries received this status, 185 of them are citizens of Ukraine; Afghanistan - 7; Yemen - 3; Syria - 3. During this period, no citizen of Russia received humanitarian status.
In the mentioned three months, refugee status was granted to a total of 8 citizens of foreign countries, including 4 from Afghanistan; Egypt - 1; 1 Syrian and 2 persons of unidentified nationality.
A total of 238 citizens of foreign countries, including 13 from Russia, were refused status in the given period; Iran - 97; Jordan - 38; 20 citizens of Iraq and 19 citizens of Turkey.
Within three months, a total of 53 citizens of foreign countries were deported from Georgia, including 9 from Azerbaijan; Russia - 2; Iran - 9, and Turkey - 5.
As for the statistics of the first quarter, we remind you that in the first three months of this year (January - March), 364 citizens of foreign countries were registered as asylum seekers in Georgia, of which the most - 126 people - were citizens of Ukraine, and 21 - citizens of Russia. A total of 51 asylum seekers received humanitarian status in the first quarter of the year, 13 of them from Ukraine and none from Russia, as well as 21 from Afghanistan and 7 from Yemen.
Refugee status was not granted to citizens of Ukraine or Russia during this period. A total of 9 citizens of foreign countries received this status, including citizens of Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey.
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