"May 26 is a holiday of historical significance for Georgia - Independence Day, which dates back to 1918. On May 26, 1918, the dream of all Georgians was fulfilled - the National Council adopted the "Georgian Independence Act", which became the equivalent of the birth of a new nation, and despite the fact that the first democratic republic of Georgia lasted less than three years (1918-1921), its legacy for the modern Georgian state remains the most important experience and the focus of future development. The path we are taking today and the goals we are fighting for today is a continuation of the work we started in 1918.
"Today, Georgia is a state based on democratic and European values, but the struggle for the full independence for the Georgian people is not over yet and the statehood and territorial integrity of the country still face significant challenges. 20% of the country is occupied and this is the heavy price that Georgia pays for freedom, independence, democracy and striving for a European future.
Georgia's stated policy is related to European and Euro-Atlantic integration, as it is a space focused on the protection of the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity, adherence to democratic principles, political, social and economic stability, education and development. The successful implementation of this policy, as well as the preservation of the independence and freedom brought to date, is, along with pride, a great responsibility. We remember many examples of how people dedicated to the country took on this responsibility, whose love and self-sacrifice for the homeland should become a guide for us. Simultaneously, we must not forget that the heroes are not only in the past, they also live next to us, doing Georgian work every day and fighting for a successful future. That's why the choice is up to us again, because we are the creators of our own country - and we will never back down," Darchiashvili said.
Today the international community, as never before, strongly supports Georgia as an independent and sovereign state and our European aspirations. We are firmly on the European path of development of our country and we are confident of success! Congratulations on the Independence Day!"- the Georgian Foreign Minister Ilia Darchiashvili said.
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