The 40-day fast, which began on November 28th for believers, ended on Christmas Day. For two weeks after the holiday till January 18, parishioners will be able to receive non-fasting food on Wednesdays and Fridays. January 18, the day before the Epiphany, is a fasting day.
According to the Holy Gospel, the Lord Jesus Christ, as a sign of great humility, was born in a cave in Bethlehem, where shepherds used to shelter their cattle in bad weather. The birth of Jesus was proclaimed by angels to the shepherds there. It was they who first saw the baby Savior.
Later, magicians from the east, as well as astrologers, arrived in Bethlehem, where they were led by an unusually bright star. They worshiped the newborn Savior and gave the gifts to him - gold, frankincense and myrrh. The birth of the Lord was also prophesied by the prophets of the Old Testament.
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