According to him, the analysis of the infection cases showed that the third vaccine is seriously protective.
"The first recommendation is vaccination. "Boosterization" is one of the main deterrents to the further spread of the epidemic. So, I ask everyone to receive a "booster" shot and, urge your family members to get it, too. According to current data, up to 86 thousand people have already been vaccinated with the third dose. Up to 17% of the people have been re-infected with the Omicron variant; “Omicron” is characterized by a high rate of reinfection and is resistant to some vaccines.There is a lot of evidence that if you make Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine as a booster dose, you will be 70-80% more likely to be protected from the Omicron infection. By July of this year, 70% of the population must be vaccinated in order to reach the WHO indicator," - Gamkrelidze said.
He said “one of the biggest challenges in increasing the incidence of the Omicron infections is the high risk of infecting doctors, which is why all health officials should be vaccinated.”
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