According to the US Ambassador, she is concerned about high rates of COVID in Georgia and is watching carefully to see what could be done to bring those case levels down, but more importantly, to bring the vaccination rate up.
“I arrived two years ago when COVID was just being understood, and we have learned so much over the past two years. The main thing we’ve learned is that this vaccine will save lives. It is the only way really to protect your loved ones against this virus. Many people in Georgia have had COVID or have known people who’ve been seriously ill, hospitalized, or even died from COVID. I think that over 10,000 Georgians have now died from COVID. This is a serious disease, but through science, we have the answer, and that is the vaccine,” US Ambassador claimed.
Kelly Degnan said the Health Ministry and the US Embassy continue working together to help Georgians get accurate information about why vaccination is safe and important.
The introduction of Covid-19 Certificates, also called Green Passport was the main topic of the meeting. Health Minister said the introduction of Green Passes would be a significant tool for vaccination promotion and safety of people.
US Ambassador said the green pass initiative had been very successful in many countries, different parts of the United States, in France and Ukraine, in Romania.
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