The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia announced it had approved a national plan for recovery of species, a manual on rules of practical measures to save endangered species across the country.
The Ministry said a number of wild animals and plant species had faced significant threats in recent decades, leading to the creation of the plan that includes “detailed strategies” for each priority species.
Recovery measures will be implemented in phase, following specific plans for each listed species, with the document ensuring both improvement of the process of planning for recovery and creation of reintroduction programmes. It will also involve establishment of sustainable and viable populations of priority species.
The Ministry noted “successful measures” were being carried out to restore five priority species of goitered gazelles, river trouts, grey partridges, rock partridges, and pheasants, with the plan also proposing restoration of an additional 61 species, including imminent efforts to restore deer listed as protected under the Red List of Georgia.
The plan was formulated by scientists and experts from Ilia State University in collaboration with the Save the Nature - Georgia programme supported by the Government of Sweden. It includes a list of species identified for national restoration, alongside rules, methods, and commitments for developing conservation plans.