According to Geostat, significant contributions to the real GDP growth in Q2 2021 is related to increase in the value added of the following activities: wholesale and retail trade (53.9%), manufacturing (42.3%), arts, entertainment and recreation (133.6%), transportation and storage (47%), construction (27.3%),
accommodation and food service activities (75.5%), financial and insurance activities (45.5%).
A decrease in the real value-added occurred in: agriculture, forestry and fishing (-2.3%), education (-1.4%).
The largest shares of GDP by activity were held by: trade (15.9%),
manufacturing (11.6%), real estate activities (9.6%), construction (8.6%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (7.8%), transportation and storage (6.3%), public administration (5.8%), arts, entertainment and recreation (5.4%).
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) reports the Georgian economy is expected to grow 7.7% in 2021, which implies that “output will exceed its 2019 level this year”.