According to him, Georgia will be one of the first countries to receive tablet pills.
"Tablet pills will probably revolutionize and end the pandemic along with vaccination. Georgia will be one of the first countries to receive these medicines - the contract has already been signed. The whole world is in the queue. When we have this tablet formula plus "Remedisivir", which we still have, there is great hope that both severe cases of the coronavirus and mortality rate will be drastically reduced," - Tsertsvadze said.
According to Tengiz Tsertsvadze, at least, 2/3 of the population should have been vaccinated by the end of the year, and European and American countries have achieved this, while only 1/3 has been vaccinated in Georgia.
"I cannot call it a mistake, because the government has done everything, has introduced an indefinite number of the best vaccines and has provided 500 vaccination points, mobile points, buses, etc. to the country. I specifically ask my partners abroad about this and they do nothing more there, just the population has more responsibility," - Tengiz Tsertsvadze stated.
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