As the Agency reports, the platform has more than 350,000 visitors a year.
Visitors to the Google Arts & Culture platform will be able to get complete information about the Kolkheti and Mtirala National Parks and the Kintrishi and Kobuleti Protected Areas. Photo and video materials are placed on the platform, the format of which allows viewers to travel virtually and discover the unique nature of Georgia. Posting information about Georgia's protected areas on Google's cognitive platform will significantly increase the awareness of Georgia and its natural heritage worldwide, and, consequently, the interest and attraction of visitors to the country.
In 2021, for the first time in the history of Georgia, in the Chinese city of Fuzhou, under the decision of the 44th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, the Kolkheti and Mtirala National Parks and Kintrishi and Kobuleti Protected Areas, named after the Colchis Rainforests and Wetlands, have been added to the list of 213 natural heritage sites of the world and deserved a place next to the Amazon Rainforest, the Grand Canyon National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Mount Etna and the Swiss Alps.
One US dollar trades at GEL 2.7755