According to the 2021 data published by the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat), 83.2% of motor vehicles registered in Georgia are over 10 years old.
More specifically, in 2021, a total of 1,477,293 vehicles were registered in Georgia. Of these, 1,254,851 were motor cars, 107,983 - trucks, 54,684 - passenger cars (buses or minibuses) and 59,775 - special purpose vehicles.
It is worth noting that 1,229,200 or 83.2% of the registered motor vehicles were aged over 10. According to the same statistics, there are more than 186.4 thousand vehicles aged 5 to 10 years, 33 thousand vehicles are aged 2 to 5, while 22.1 thousand are 2 years old or less. According to the Geostat, the age of 7 thousand vehicles is unknown.
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