On 19th August, The Orthodox Church marks the day of the Savior’s transfiguration. In connection with the holiday, a divine service will be held in all operating churches.
The Feast of the Transfiguration is among the 12 greatest religious holidays and is related to one of the famous episodes of the life of Lord Jesus Christ - Jesus Christ showed his heavenly nature to his three apostles: Peter, Jacob and Johan.
This is one of the most important holidays in Georgia and is called “Peristsvaleba” in Georgian.
The day of the Transfiguration of Christ, marked on 19th August, is accompanied by a relaxation in fasting associated with the Dormition Fast.
As a rule, the fruit is brought to church to be blessed on this day. The Transfiguration falls during the Dormition Lent, but fish, wine and oil are allowed to be consumed on this day in recognition of the feast.
Traditionally, Georgian Christians may not eat grapes during the fast, and the grape harvest may not start before August 19. It is thought that after the Transfiguration feast, nature and the climate start to change.
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