The trade sector (including repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles) had the highest share (37.9%) in the total turnover in the business sector, followed by: arts, entertainment and recreation - 28.1% share; manufacturing – 9.5%, construction – 7.1%; transportation and storage – 5.1%; electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply – 3.1%.
The value of production generated by the business sector increased by 2.7% (y/y) and amounted to 46.2 billion GEL.
Large businesses made up the majority of total turnover (58.3%), followed by small businesses (23.8%), and then medium-sized businesses (17.9%).
A small difference is in case of total production value: 40.3% comes on large, 32.5% - on small and 27.1% – on medium businesses.
In 2020, manufacturing (23%), construction (19.6%), trade (17.6%) and transportation and storage (9%) were in the top four in business sector production value.
Georgian businesses employed about 703,900 people in 2020, which is year-on-year 7% less, said Geostat.
Out of the total number of employees, 41.5% were female and 58.5% were male.
The majority of people employed in the business sector (66%) worked in Georgia’s capital of Tbilisi.
The average monthly salary for a person employed in the business sector in 2020 was 1,222 GEL. This was an increase of 61.2 GEL (y/y).
The remuneration of employed women made up 952 GEL (y/y increase by 87.4 GEL).
Average monthly salaries based on the size of business: medium-sized businesses: 1,419.6 GEL; large businesses: 1,322.9 GEL; small businesses: 991.6 GEL.
One US dollar trades at GEL 2.7755